Buy XBit (XBT)
To buy XBit follow below steps
- You can buy XBit using Tether (USDT)
- Send coin(s) to wallet address provided in this page.
- Enter your XBit wallet address, transaction ID and paid amount then Submit the form.
- You can buy XBit using Counos X (CCXX), Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Dash (DASH) and Tether (USDT)
- Select the coin with which you want to make the transaction.
Coin Prices:
- 1 XBT = $0.0115
- 1 CCXX = $0.12
- 1 BTC = $89,898.37
- 1 ETH = $3,081.00
- 1 LTC = $90.42
- 1 DASH = $28.38
- If you want to purchase Xbit with CHF, USD, or EUR please visit
- You can buy XBit using Tether (USDT)
- Send coin(s) to wallet address provided in this page.
- Enter your XBit wallet address, transaction ID and paid amount then Submit the form.